How To Be Successful

March 05, 2021

After observing many founders, I've noticed that they often start by chasing wealth but eventually aim to make an impact. Here are 13 keys to achieving extraordinary success.

  1. Understand Compounding: Think of your career like a growing business. Aim for exponential growth, not just steady progress. Each year should make you more effective.

  2. Believe in Yourself: Confidence is crucial. It’s not about ignoring criticism but having the courage to hold your own views. Balance self-belief with self-awareness. Listen to feedback, evaluate it, and decide if it’s worth acting on.

  3. Think Independently: Original thinking is hard to teach. Start by understanding the basics and build new ideas from there. Test these ideas quickly in real life.

  4. Improve Sales Skills: You need to convince others of your ideas. This requires a clear vision, strong communication, and charisma. Believe in what you’re selling and keep honing your sales skills.

  5. Take Smart Risks: Most people overestimate risks and underestimate rewards. Once your basic needs are met, take small bets that could lead to big gains.

  6. Focus: Working on the right things is more important than working long hours. Set your priorities and stick to them.

  7. Work Hard: Combine intelligence with hard work to excel in your field. Early in your career is the best time to work hard because the benefits will grow over time.

  8. Be Bold: Work on something exciting and meaningful. Follow your curiosity without second-guessing your goals.

  9. Be Persistent: Believe you can make a difference. Stay patient and persistent in your pursuit of success.

  10. Be Unique: Make yourself hard to compete with by building strong relationships, a personal brand, or expertise in multiple areas.

  11. Build a Network: Help others as much as you can and share the benefits generously. Build a reputation for pushing people to achieve more.

  12. Own Assets: Wealth comes from ownership, not high salaries. Invest in things that can grow in value, like businesses, real estate, or intellectual property.

  13. Stay Self-Motivated: Do things to impress yourself and make a difference in the world. The most successful people are driven by their own standards and ambitions, not by others' expectations.

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Written by Phong Tran who lives and works in Tokyo building useful things. You can follow him on Twitter

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